Barry, John Paul
1915 – [1977]

Judge Supreme Court of N.B.
Saint John

Born, November 11th, 1915, at St. John [Saint John], N.B. Of Irish ancestry. Son of John Adolphus [Alphonsus] Barry (q.v.)(1883 – 1950), Judge County Court, N.B., 1923 – 1950, and his wife, Julia P. Wilson. (B. 1888 -[1973])

Educated at the St. John [Saint John] Public Schools; and the Univ. of N.B., graduating with the Degree of B.C.L. in 1936. Admitted to the Bar of N.B. in 1936.

Located at St. John [Saint John], N.B. and engaged in the practice of of his profession. Created Q.C. in 1953. Pres. of the N.B. Barristers’ Society, 1965. N.B. Vice-Pres. Canadian Bar Association. Member of the Advisory Board of the Eastern and Chartered Trust Company. Member of the Board of Directors of St. Joseph’s Hospital, St. John [Saint John], N.B. Past Pres. of the St. John Law Society.

Served on the St. John [Saint John] city Council as Alderman, 1940 – 1944. Past Pres. of the St. John [Saint John] Board of Trade.

Married, Dec 29, 1941, to Miss Rita Marie Feeney, daughter of John Feeney, Esq., Architect, Engineer, St. John [Saint John]& Fredericton, N.B. By this marriage there is a family of four sons and four daughters.

On April 28th, 1966, he was appointed to the Queens Bench Division of the N.B. Supreme Court, and was sworn in as Justice, May 6th, 1966, which appointment he holds at the present time. [he held until his retirement on Novenber 11th, 1990. On November 11th, 1990, he joined the law firm of Barry Spalding as counsel. He died at Saint John, N.B. on April 30th, 1997.]

In Politics:
 a Liberal.
In Religion: a Roman Catholic.

1: Son: John P.[Q.C.]
Student, Univ. of N.B. [lawyer]
2. -“-: David G.[Q.C.]
Student, St. Francis Xavier Uiv., Antigonish, N.S. [lawyer]
3. Dau: Mary [E. Reeves]
Sister Patrick, member Marist Order, Edmundston, N.B. [retired educator]
4. -“-: Norah Marie [Mallory]
Student, St. John, N.B. [public relations consultant]
5. Son: Thomas J. [Dr.]
Student, St. John [Saint John], N.B.[doctor]
6. Dau: Martha T. [Zed]
Student, St. John [Saint John], N.B. [Nursing Consultant]
7. -“-: Moira Ann [Adams]
Student, St. John [Saint John], N.B. [homemaker]
8. Son: Michael Hugh
Student, St. John [Saint John], N.B. [radiologist]

MC1156 – Graves Papers