We are informed that before the infamous article in the News had applied to Col. Grierson for information, and had been informed by the Colonel that the Sergeant was not put under arrest on a charge of drilling Fenians, but on a charge of having drilled a Volunteer Company without leave, and with this information in his possession he wrote and published that article.
MF – 1865.01.17 – The Fenians – 15th Regiment – Capt. Macshane – #119 – F12250
We learn that Captain Macshane has traced the origin of the reports respecting his connection and that of his company with the Fenian Society, to a member of the Volunteer Battalion, and that he has, or will demand a Court of Inquiry into the whole matter. It seems to us that this is the right course to pursue, for really, the peace and confidence of the community ought not to be endangered by false reports without the perpetrators of those reports being punished, if they can be found. – Globe.