copy unclear – check New-Brunswicker
On Thursday last, out City was the theatre of one of the most disgraceful scenes that has ever occurred in this or any other civilized country, and which has resulted in the death of several persons and the wounding of a number of others, some of whom cannot recover.
It was reported for some time previous that the Orangemen intend to walk in procession on Thursday, being the Anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne; and the authorities being either unwilling, or unable, as they allege, to prevent an exhibition so much calculated to inflame the passions of a portion of the community, the members of the Orange Lodges to the number of some five or six hundred, a large portion of whom were from different sections of the country, assembled at Nethery’s Hotel, in Church Street, and with drums beating and banners flying, proceeded through the streets. – At the head of Dock-street, an arch of green boughs had been placed from one side to the other, by the opposite party, under which the procession passed. Shortly after, His Worship the Mayor went into Dock-street and attempted to remove the obstruction, when he was assaulted by some parties present, and received a wound on the head from a stone thrown by the mob. Several other persons who attempted to assist the Mayor, were also injured in the same way. This was the commencement of the disturbance, which has resulted so disastrously.
In an hour or two the procession returned, and on passing through Mill-street, near Rankin’s Bakery, a number of brick-bats and other missiles were thrown at them, which was the signal for a general assault, in which the arch was torn down. Fire arms were soon brought in requisition, and for a considerable time the reports were very loud and frequent, while the numbers of wounded who were being carried away by their friends, showed how deadly the conflict had been.
A Company of the 1st Regiment of Royals, stationed in this Garrison, had been placed in the Market Square by the Mayor during the morning, to act in case of emergency – His Worship, no doubt being impressed with the conviction that a breach of the place would occur – and they were ordered to proceed up Dock-street to the scene of the riot. Their presence soon restored order, and checked the further effusion of blood; but in the meantime some tenor twelve persons were either killed or so severely wounded that their lives are despaired of. So intense had the excitement become, that every person who attempted to pass this way was attacked by the mob, and a number of persons, entirely unconnected with the procession, were beaten without mercy.
It must ever be a matter of the deepest regret at all who were engaged in the ill-timed display of Thursday, that they should have been parties, more or less directly, to the death of so many persons. The procession could effect no earthly good, while on the other hand, it was eminently calculated to arouse angry feelings and excite the most violent passions of the opposite party.
[ ] unfortunate men on both sides who were [ ] to come into deadly conflict are not [ ] [ eable] as those who suffered the [ ] place; and the blood of those [ ] suddenly sent to their last [ ] rage and every evil passion [pos- ] cry up to Heaven, that justice [ ] those really guilty. – New-Bruns.