NBC – 1849.08.18 – Orange Riots – Circuit Court – #236 – F12220

Circuit Court. – The civil docket having been nearly got through with, the criminal calendar was taken up on Monday last, when two cases of Misdemeanor, for concealing the birth of illegitimate children, were tried, and the prisoners in both instances acquitted, from the insufficiency of the evidence. On Wednesday, John Haggerty, Joseph Corkery and Charles Hegan, were tried for a felonious assault upon His Worship the Mayor, on the 12th of July. Haggerty was found guilty, the others were acquitted. On Thursday, two men named Dawson and M’Neil, were tried upon a charge of arson, and acquitted. On the same day, Daniel Hagerty was convicted of an assault upon Alexander Boon, on the 12th July. Daniel Driscoll, Patrick Kearney, and Jeremiah M’Carthy, who were indicted as being implicated in the attack on Mr. Boon’s waggon, were acquitted. Yesterday the Court was engaged in the trial of George McKelvey, John Munford, Daniel Dunham, and Squire Manks, for illegal assembly, having taken part in the Orange procession on the 12th, of July.