MF – 1866.04.26 – Fenians – By Telegraph – Gladstone – #142 – F12251

CALAIS, Me., April 23.
Two supposed Fenians, while crossing the Bridge to St. Stephens this afternoon, were turned back, being refused a passage.
One of them drew a revolver and fired one shot without injuring any one.
Both were arrested at the Calais end of the Bridge, and afterwards were handed over to the civil authorities.
The affair has caused considerable excitement on both sides of the river.
{Special despatch to Globe.}

EASTPORT, April 25.
The Duncan steamed from St. Andrews this morning, and after communicating with the Pylades here put to sea.
The arrival of Roberts and Killian in the New Brunswick from Boston to-day, set the Fenians buzzing.
A few Fenians accompanied the Generals. All quiet.
C. A.

In a late speech Mr. Gladstone said:
We are told that Canada and New Brunswick are threatened with fire and slaughter from the revenge of Fenians for wrongs inflicted by England upon Ireland. This I must say, that for the men of Canada and New Brunswick, who are wholly guiltless of these wrongs, be they what they may – (hear, hear) – who are not entangled in these controversies, who have no more to do with them than the people of the Sandwich Islands – if the Fenians, as they call themselves, in America, are capable of the diabolical and abominable wickedness of passing that frontier to make their miserable and impotent attempts, which they will be – (applause) – to carry desolation over those peaceful districts and among those harmless colonists – why, then, I say, gentlemen, so far from treating the conduct of those men, let them be Americans or let them be whom they like, with allowance or indulgence, I say no more execrable manifestation of folly and of guilt ever has been made in the annals of the human race from the time that it has existed upon this earth. (Loud applause.) Men who are capable of such proceedings would at once, by their insanity and guilt, place themselves entirely beyond the sympathy of the whole civilized world. (Applause.) But I am bound also to express the fullest confidence that those men who inhabit the provinces of British North America, who have proceeded from your loins, and who are governed by principles in the main your own, know well how to defend their homes, their wives, and their children – (applause) – and that if, unhappily, the need arise, there is no resource possessed by this country which she would not freely spend to assist them in the holy work of self-defence. (Loud applause.)

Mr. Gladstone did not say that no assistance should be given unless we submitted to Confederation.

The following article, I believe, has more copy above where it begins here.
We have been informed by the officer in command that three thousand Fenians are hovering upon the frontier of New Brunswick, and the presence of the 17th Regiment and of three or four men of war, the Flagship included, has been required to check and overawe the turbulent elements which menace the peace and security of the Colony. At such a time, if ever a true patriot and lover of his country would suppose [th ] all attempts at organic change would be postponed – that union, and harmony among the population, would be cultivated – that energies would be concentrated on defence – that a sense of common danger would bring the New Brunswickers together as a band of brothers with but one thought uppermost in their minds, the honor of our national flag and the protection of their country. Other counsels have prevailed. While the Bay of Fundy is alive with ships of war, and the frontier is bristling with bayonets, what have we seen at Fredericton? For three weeks, after the opening of the Session, the Parliament has been divided by a vote of want of confidence, growing out of this Confederation question … and continues with matters unrelated to the Fenians.