NBC – 1849.07.21 – Orange Riots – Criminal Charges – #234 – F12220

 The investigation into the circumstances connected with the riots of the 12th instant, has been pursued, during the past week, under the direction of Wm. Bayard, Esq. Coroner, and of D. Ansley, B. L. Peters, W. H. Needham, George A. Lockhart, and Robert Payne, Esquires, examining Justices, assisted by Mr. Wheeler, Clerk of the Peace. We understand, that the information which these enquiries have already elicited, tends to implicate a large number of persons, identified as being directly engaged in the outrages. John Haggerty and David Haggerty, charged as rioters, have been bound in [recognizances] to appear for trial; Chas. Heagan and Owen Sullivan, as rioters, and for assaulting the Mayor, (the latter with a knife) have been committed for trial; Archibald Brown stands committed for trial for feloniously shooting with intent to kill; Charles Sweeny for striking the Mayor with a brick; Patrick Corney, Daniel Driscoll, Jeremiah McCarthy, and James Donovan, for shooting into the crowd and throwing bricks, when several persons were killed, attacking Boon’s waggon, and committing other acts of violence, have been partially examined and remanded; Joseph Corkery, charged as an active ringleader, is in custody, and will be examined to-day. The Coroner’s Inquest upon the bodies of Delay and Allan, who were shot, have resulted, after a laborious and patient enquiry extending over eight days, in verdicts of wilful murder against some person or persons unknown; and in the case of Richard Foster, who died of wounds on Thursday, an inquest in now being held, and enquiries still in progress. Warrants have been issued and the police are in search of a number who were conspicuous in the bloody scenes, and we trust that no effort will be spared by the authorities to bring to justice all who can be shown to have participated in these brutal and murderous transactions. – The number of killed, positively ascertained by name, is three: Delay, Allan and Foster; and of the wounded, six.